Fanfilm : War on Lordaeron est disponible
Vous aimez les fanfilms ? Ça tombe bien, après de nombreux mois d’attente, Chris Vernel vient de sortir sur sa chaîne Youtube son projet War on Lordaeron.
Fanfilm : War on Lordaeron
Hurlevent est tombé. La Horde a désormais atteint les royaumes du nord d’Azeroth. Lordaeron est la dernière chance pour une nouvelle Alliance
Follow the project, its Behind The Scenes, the making of etc on my youtube channel. And also on :
It’s just the beginning. More fanmade videos, short movies or trailers will follow!
Thanks a LOT to every single person involved in this project. Thanks to the groups that came and helped: Les chasseurs de Dragons de Sedan, Ex Machina…
Thanks a lot to :
- The Castle of Sedan for letting us work here.
- The Abbatial of Mouzon for letting us record the bells.
- To the awesome people who have made this adventure possible.
Thanks a lot to all of you.
This project is fanmade. It included WOW community in France, LARPers, reenactors, HEMA-ist, and many people with their support and passions.
Miniature by LenweSaralonde