AccueilActualitésDans la tourmente, Blizzard annule la BlizzConline 2022

Dans la tourmente, Blizzard annule la BlizzConline 2022

Sale temps pour Blizzard, après une édition 2021 famélique, le studio empêtré depuis quelques mois avec la justice californienne pour des affaires de discrimination et de harcèlement a préféré tout bonnement annuler l’édition 2022 de l’événement. La BlizzCon est traditionnellement l’événement annuel où Blizzard fait ses annonces pour l’ensemble de ses jeux, malheureusement le constat est amer pour la communauté, bon nombre de licences n’ont que très peu d’actualités.

Blizzard souhaite avant tout rediriger ses forces vers « le soutien de nos équipes et la progression du développement de nos jeux » et se questionne sur le modèle de la BlizzCon en « ré-imaginant à quoi pourrait ressembler un événement BlizzCon à l’avenir« .

Message officiel

Par Blizzard

To the Blizzard community,

We’ve decided to take a step back and pause on planning the previously announced BlizzConline event scheduled for early next year. This was a tough decision for all of us to make, but it’s the right one.

Any BlizzCon event takes every single one of us to make happen, an entire-company effort, fueled by our desire to share what we create with the community we care about so much. At this time, we feel the energy it would take to put on a show like this is best directed towards supporting our teams and progressing development of our games and experiences.

Additionally, we would also like to take the time to reimagine what a BlizzCon event of the future could look like. The first BlizzCon was held 16 years ago, and so much has changed in the time since—most notably, the multiple ways in which players and communities can come together and feel like they are a part of something bigger. Whatever the event looks like in the future, we also need to ensure that it feels as safe, welcoming, and inclusive as possible. We’re committed to continual communication with our players, and we see BlizzCon playing a big role in that going forward. We’re excited about what we’ll do with the event when we revisit it in the future.

One more thing we wanted to make clear: even though we aren’t holding BlizzConline in February, we’ll still be making announcements and updates for our games. We’re proud of our teams and the progress they’ve made across our games. We have a lot of exciting upcoming news and releases to share with you. You’ll continue hearing about those through our franchise channels, with the talented people on the BlizzCon team playing a part in supporting these efforts.

We’ll miss seeing you, but don’t worry. We’ll be back together soon.

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